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American University Professor Rick Stack Releases Hauntingly Poignant Narrative Exposing Uncertainty of Capital Punishment

Washington D.C—“Can you imagine what it feels like to know that the state wants to kill you?” Such is the unfathomable question posed by death row exonerate Shujaa Graham who, after enduring three years on San Quentin’s death row, now counts himself among the 140 nationwide fortunate enough to be alive and able to shed light on the broken criminal justice system that nearly killed him.

Others are not so lucky.

For them, communication professor, and death penalty thought leader Richard Stack has penned his fourth book, Grave Injustice. An eye-opening, gut-wrenching narrative exposing the fallibilities and fallacies of our nation’s criminal justice system head-on and the lethal consequences that follow. Through a series of case studies that are sure to make you uncomfortable—even angry—Stack profiles the ultimate fate of nearly two dozen individuals silenced far too quickly by a court content to see them put to death on extremely questionable merit; the erroneous say-so of a jailhouse snitch, shaky eyewitness testimony, police corruption or coerced confessions. No DNA? No problem. Grave Injustice unearths the unspoken reality that justice itself is not only blind, but also can be painfully indifferent.

With several state legislatures deliberating repeal of capital punishment and bringing the death penalty debate front and center, Grave Injustice is a hauntingly poignant reminder of the enormity of what’s at stake. For opponents of the death penalty it’s a vested interest in being on the right side of history, for the condemned, it truly is a matter of life and death.

“Really this is about leading a dialogue and giving a voice to those who aren’t able to do it themselves anymore,” says Stack. “Here we have irrefutable evidence that far too often the system gets it wrong. That’s unacceptable.”

Regardless of one’s position on capital punishment, Grave Injustice can’t help but move and inspire as time and again it raises serious questions about the efficacy of the irrevocable decision to willingly end another human life in the name of justice when there’s the very real possibility of innocence.

For more information visit http://www.amazon.com/Grave-Injustice-Unearthing-Wrongful-Executions/dp/1612341624


About the Author

RICHARD A. STACK serves on the faculty of the School of Communication at American University in Washington, DC. He is the author of three previously published books, including Dead Wrong: Violence, Vengeance & the Victims of Capital Punishment(Praeger, 2006). He lives in Silver Spring, Maryland.