Leading by Example: The Power of Allyship in Disability Inclusion

A line graph shows the steady employment rate for people with disabilities trending upward from 2010 and reaching record highs in 2023.

The landscape of disability employment is experiencing a transformative shift, marking an era of significant progress and inclusivity. Axios' Emily Peck reports a record 22.5% of people with disabilities were employed in 2023, reflecting a strong labor market and the empowering role of remote work. This transition is not merely an adjustment to a post-pandemic world; it represents a broader move toward genuine inclusivity, affirming that remote work is a crucial enabler for those traditionally marginalized in the employment sector.

Key Insights:

• The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an increase in the disability rate among Americans to 12.5% in 2023, up from 11.7% in 2019.
• Labor force participation for disabled men and women has notably increased since 2019, highlighting a shift toward greater inclusion.
• Despite these gains, the unemployment rate for disabled workers was 7.2%  — about twice what it was for non-disabled workers, indicating persistent challenges in achieving full employment equality.

The expansion of the Disability Equality Index (DEI) to include more countries, as highlighted by HR Brew ™️’s Kristen Parisi, signals a growing global commitment to disability inclusion. Jill Houghton, president and CEO of Disability:IN, emphasizes the significance of senior leaders who "either openly identified as having a disability or being an ally for people with disabilities," illustrating that authentic leadership can catalyze profound organizational change.

Disability Employee Resource Groups, supported by the C-suite, are instrumental in fostering an inclusive work environment. These groups exemplify how investment in disability inclusion not only enhances corporate culture but also taps into a vast source of talent and market opportunity.

As we navigate the future, the journey toward disability inclusion will require a blend of innovative employment practices, committed leadership, and vibrant community engagement. By championing these changes, we can create workplaces where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can thrive.

Employment rate for Americans with disabilities reached record high in 2023