
Leading by Example: The Power of Allyship in Disability Inclusion

A line graph shows the steady employment rate for people with disabilities trending upward from 2010 and reaching record highs in 2023.

The landscape of disability employment is experiencing a transformative shift, marking an era of significant progress and inclusivity. Axios' Emily Peck reports a record 22.5% of people with disabilities were employed in 2023, reflecting a strong labor market and the empowering role of remote work. This transition is not merely an adjustment to a post-pandemic world; it represents a broader move toward genuine inclusivity, affirming that remote work is a crucial enabler for those traditionally marginalized in the employment sector.

Key Insights:

• The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an increase in the disability rate among Americans to 12.5% in 2023, up from 11.7% in 2019.
• Labor force participation for disabled men and women has notably increased since 2019, highlighting a shift toward greater inclusion.
• Despite these gains, the unemployment rate for disabled workers was 7.2%  — about twice what it was for non-disabled workers, indicating persistent challenges in achieving full employment equality.

The expansion of the Disability Equality Index (DEI) to include more countries, as highlighted by HR Brew ™️’s Kristen Parisi, signals a growing global commitment to disability inclusion. Jill Houghton, president and CEO of Disability:IN, emphasizes the significance of senior leaders who "either openly identified as having a disability or being an ally for people with disabilities," illustrating that authentic leadership can catalyze profound organizational change.

Disability Employee Resource Groups, supported by the C-suite, are instrumental in fostering an inclusive work environment. These groups exemplify how investment in disability inclusion not only enhances corporate culture but also taps into a vast source of talent and market opportunity.

As we navigate the future, the journey toward disability inclusion will require a blend of innovative employment practices, committed leadership, and vibrant community engagement. By championing these changes, we can create workplaces where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can thrive.

Employment rate for Americans with disabilities reached record high in 2023

Starbucks' Third Place Promise: Where Accessibility Falls Short

As a disability advocate, I've always believed in the power of inclusive design and accessibility. Today, I find myself reflecting on these values, especially as we approach Thanksgiving—a time to be thankful, yet also a time to acknowledge the work that remains in creating truly accessible spaces.

Recently, my experience at a newly renovated local Starbucks brought these issues into sharp focus. Starbucks often promotes its Third Place Policy, emphasizing a welcoming environment for all. While the staff's helpfulness and welcoming nature are commendable, the reality of navigating an inaccessible space independently tells a different story.

The renovation, which I had hoped would improve accessibility, resulted in narrower pathways, fewer seating options for those with disabilities, and a lack of automatic door buttons. This isn't just about convenience; it's about the fundamental right to access public spaces independently.

This experience isn't isolated. It reflects a broader issue highlighted in a Toronto Star article, where a new bike lane was criticized for its inaccessibility, raising questions about who designs and approves such projects. Similarly, Mark Raymond, Jr. CEO of the Split Second Foundation, emphasizes in FacilitiesNet/NFMT that the ADA was a "touchdown," but the game is far from over. He stresses the importance of going beyond ADA compliance to truly understanding the disabled experience.

As we near Thanksgiving, I am reminded that while we should be thankful for those who champion accessibility, gratitude should not be the endpoint. Acknowledging our rights to accessible spaces is one thing; actively ensuring these spaces are truly accessible is another.

Organizations, especially those like Starbucks that pride themselves on being a 'Third Place,' must realize that an environment cannot be welcoming if it cannot be independently navigated by all. This Thanksgiving, let's be thankful for progress made, but also commit to advocating for the changes still needed.

As we continue our journey towards a more inclusive world, let's remember that accessibility is not a privilege; it's a right. It's time for all organizations to listen, learn, and act.

‘Who designed this, who approved this?’ New Eglinton bike lane ‘illegal’, says lawyer and disability activist

Beyond the 1%: Amplifying Disabled Voices in Hollywood and Halls of Power

From left: Zayre Ferrer, Monica Cecilia Lucas and Gisselle Legere.

In the vibrant tapestry of our society, the disabled community weaves a narrative often left unexplored, yet profoundly impactful. As we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month, let’s delve into the realms of representation, adaptability, and the stark disparities in political representation for disabled individuals.

“Roughly 20% of Americans live with a disability, yet less than 1% of Hollywood writers are disabled,” a stark revelation from the Inevitable Foundation. The recent Writers Guild of America West deal, promises to address specific issues impacting disabled writers in Hollywood most. Gisselle Legere, a Cuban American writer, heralded the WGA’s victory in setting a minimum number of writers who must be staffed on shows as the “biggest win,” illuminating a path toward more inclusive representation in the writers' rooms.

In the political arena, the narrative unfolds similarly, yet with its unique challenges. ChrisTiana ObeySumner MPA, MNPL, a multi-disabled Seattle City Council candidate, embodies the resilience and determination that disabled candidates bring to the political table. Yet, systemic barriers and ableist backlash often stymie their journey. A mere one in 10 elected officials have disabilities, according to a 2018 study from Rutgers University, underscoring a glaring disparity in representation that demands our attention and action.

Sarah Blahovec, co-founder of Disability Victory, astutely observes, “Disabled people are adaptable. We’re creative. We’re problem-solvers. And we’re resilient because every day we navigate a society that is not built for our needs.” These are not just qualities; they are a testament to the untapped potential that disabled individuals bring to leadership roles in every sphere of our society.

As we navigate through NDEAM, let’s champion for more than just hiring or electing disabled individuals. Let’s advocate for providing an upward path toward mobility in their jobs, giving them a chance to flourish, and arming them with the tools they need to be successful. Let’s ensure that the diverse pool of disability is represented in all decision-making rooms, from the board room, to the writers room, to elections. We need to be in the room where it happens.

In the spirit of fostering a society where every thread is valued, let’s weave a narrative where disability is not seen through a lens of limitation, but a spectrum of possibilities and diverse perspectives. Let’s be the catalysts for a future where equity is not just a metric but a lived reality.

What the WGA deal with Hollywood studios means to writers with disabilities

Challenging Misconceptions: The Power of Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace

With her guide dog Paul at her side, Maya Larson signs with her boss Darlene Zangara, executive director of the Minnesota Commission of the Deaf, Deafblind and Hard of Hearing in St. Paul, Minn. (Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune/TNS)

Today I'm reflecting heavily on the importance of reasonable accommodations in the workplace. These are not preferences or luxuries, but necessities that level the playing field for disabled employees like myself. They are equalizers, not special treatments, and they are as diverse as the individuals who require them.

The process of disclosing a disability and requesting accommodations is fraught with challenges. It's not a step taken lightly. By the time an employee discloses a disability, they've likely exhausted all other options to adapt their work environment independently. As a wheelchair user living with Cerebral Palsy, a service dog handler to Canine Companions® Pico, and someone living with a visual impairment and chronic pain, I can attest to the discomfort and apprehension that comes with this disclosure.

The latest report from the Disability:IN and the Disability Equality Index for 2023 found that only 4-6% of employees openly disclose disability in the workplace, despite 97% of employers encouraging them to do so. This discrepancy could be due to misconceptions about disability and job performance, perceived barriers to upward mobility, or a general misunderstanding about disability overall by the employer.

As highlighted in a recent article on Disability Scoop, Occupational Therapist Elizabeth Duffy put it beautifully. "Duffy said employers can adjust to accommodate different ways of learning and absorbing information. That could include scheduling flexibility and making sure meetings aren’t the only way to deliver updates and announcements to staffers." This is a prime example of how simple accommodations can make a significant difference in an employee's ability to perform their job effectively.

However, the process of requesting and receiving accommodations can often feel adversarial, leaving employees feeling beaten down and less likely to seek further accommodations in the future. This is counterproductive, as it ultimately hampers job performance.

The future of work for disabled employees is promising, with industries expected to grow over the next decade, as highlighted in a recent Forbes article by Diane Winiarski. But this growth must be accompanied by a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access. Employers must reassess their reasonable accommodation processes and strive for a more inclusive and equitable workplace.

Reasonable accommodations are not an attempt to "gamify" the system. They are a necessity for disabled employees to perform their jobs to the best of their ability. Let's continue to challenge misconceptions, promote understanding, and advocate for a more inclusive workplace.

With More Neurodivergent Workers, Employers Add Support

The ADA and Beyond: The Ongoing Fight for Workplace Inclusion

A wheelchair user seen from behind moves through her workplace.

Today, it's time to reflect on the challenges and triumphs of disabled individuals in the workplace. As a disability advocate, I've seen firsthand the barriers that disabled individuals face in their professional lives. But I've also witnessed the resilience, creativity, and determination that they bring to the table.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was a significant milestone, but 33 years later, we're still grappling with the complexities of 'reasonable accommodations' and the stigma associated with disclosing a disability. As my friend Emily Ladau recently told CNBC, "Even though workplaces can focus on creating a culture of inclusion, there's that internal barrier that people still struggle with, because the world is telling them that disability is shameful, that disability is wrong, that their existence is somehow a mistake."

This narrative is not only harmful but also fundamentally untrue. Disability is not a mistake or a weakness; it's a part of our identity that shapes our experiences and perspectives. It's time to shift this narrative and embrace disability as a strength.

Research shows that when employees with disabilities are given the opportunity to educate and connect with their co-workers, the number of people who disclose a disability and request accommodations increases. This is a testament to the power of open dialogue and the importance of creating safe spaces for disclosure.

Companies like PSEG have taken steps in the right direction by launching initiatives to encourage people with disabilities to bring their full selves to work. After their awareness campaign, the percentage of people who identified as disabled in their workplace tripled. This is a clear indication that when we create an environment of understanding and empathy, people feel more comfortable disclosing their disabilities.

As we move forward, let's remember Ladau's words: "When we shift that narrative and we begin to say, 'You can identify as having a disability. That is something that you can be proud of. That makes you who you are,' the number of people who identify in the workplace as disabled is going to grow."

Let's continue to challenge the status quo, advocate for reasonable accommodations, and celebrate the diverse experiences and perspectives that disabled individuals bring to the workplace.

The Power of Universal Design: A Look at Comcast's Innovative Remote

Illustration of Thomas Wlodkowski, VP of Accessibility at Comcast

Today as part of the ongoing celebration of Disability Pride Month, I want to spotlight a concept that's revolutionizing the way we think about accessibility: Universal Design. As a disability advocate, wheelchair user, service dog handler, and someone with a visual impairment, I've experienced firsthand the transformative power of Universal Design.

One of the most exciting examples of this is Comcast's Xfinity Large Button Voice Remote highlighted in a recent piece in Fast Company. This device, the brainchild of Thomas Wlodkowski, VP of Accessibility at Comcast, is the first remote built from the ground up with accessibility in mind. Wlodkowski, who has been blind since birth, has a simple yet powerful goal: “To make sure that the full menu of experiences within our entertainment service is available to as many customers as possible.”

Before this remote, Comcast customers seeking accessibility features were mailed a third-party device that was often seen as clunky and "medical." Wlodkowski knew there had to be a better way. He inspired his colleagues to create a device that was not only accessible but also intuitive and practical for all users.

The result? A sleek remote that’s 7 inches long and 2 inches wide, with larger buttons, bigger text, backlighting, an easier battery-change mechanism, built-in voice-command capability, and an instruction manual that speaks. The design process involved conducting focus group sessions with residents from New Horizons, a supported living facility in Connecticut for people with physical disabilities.

The response has been overwhelmingly positive. Comcast is now shipping about 2,000 units of the Large Button Voice Remote each week, up from 800 when the device first launched. The remote is free to all Comcast X1 and Flex customers, who can request it through Comcast’s Accessibility Support Center.

This remote is a testament to the potential of Universal Design in transforming the future of accessibility. It serves as a reminder that when we design with everyone in mind, we create a world that is more inclusive and equitable.

As we continue to celebrate Disability Pride Month, let's remember the power of Universal Design and continue to push for more accessible and inclusive designs in all aspects of our lives.

This Comcast exec did the impossible: He created a TV remote that’s actually well designed

Disability Rights in the Age of Surveillance: A Call for Inclusive Tech

A close up picture of an eye caught in the crosshairs of a laser.

As we celebrate Disability Pride Month, it's crucial to spotlight the urgent need for lawmakers to act in regulating surveillance technologies to protect the rights of disabled individuals. The rapid evolution of these technologies presents both opportunities and challenges, and it's our collective responsibility to ensure they are used ethically and inclusively.

In a recent article for The Hill, Sarah Roth and Evan Enzer of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.) noted that "Data-driven surveillance tech has been incorporated into nearly every sector of public life... However, countless studies have shown that these technologies are inherently biased and discriminatory because they are not being built, or used, with accessibility in mind."

These technologies, such as biometric monitoring software, often fail to account for the diversity and nuance of disabilities. This lack of inclusivity can lead to people with disabilities being singled out or experiencing dehumanizing punishment for simply existing as themselves.

For instance, Amazon’s Flex program uses an app to track delivery drivers' efficiency. This system overlooks the experiences of workers with disabilities, and the algorithmic management system has been reported to fire the slowest people — regardless of the individual’s disability or access needs.

Moreover, policies that require patrons to expose their faces to facial recognition surveillance cameras discriminate against immunocompromised individuals and those who rely on masks for health benefits.

We must ensure that technological change does not come at the expense of disability rights and justice. The recent ordinance introduced by the New York City Council to ban facial recognition in public places is a step in the right direction. But more needs to be done.

As these surveillance tools become more prominent and inescapable, the urgency with which lawmakers need to act cannot be overstated. We must continue to advocate for the rights of disabled individuals and push for regulations that ensure these technologies do not infringe on their rights and freedoms.

As we move forward, let's remember that our goal should always be to create a society where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can thrive.

New technology, same problems: We need to ensure accessibility for everyone

Rideshare's Rocky Road: The Struggle for Equal Access in Uber and Lyft

A wheelchair user is seen staring out the front door of her home. Overlayed on the image is a series of text message notifications from rideshare companies Uber and Lyft noting that all Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles are busy.

Today I want to address the ongoing discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities in the rideshare industry, specifically companies like Uber and Lyft. Despite the progress we've made in advocating for equal rights and accessibility, these platforms continue to fall short in providing equal service to all.

Last year, I wrote about Lyft's stance in a private federal court filing: "Lyft is not a government institution. It is a private company that has no obligation to provide WAVs on its platform." This statement is a stark reminder of the systemic barriers that people with disabilities face daily. It's a disheartening sentiment that underscores the need for change.

Recently, the U.S. Department of Justice has taken significant steps toward holding these companies accountable. Landmark lawsuits have been brought against Uber and Lyft, focusing on their obligations to provide equal access to all users. These lawsuits are a step in the right direction, but we must ask ourselves: Have they brought about any significant changes in the companies' practices?

The answer, unfortunately, is not as positive as we'd hope. A recent study by the San Francisco County Transportation Authority found Uber and Lyft provided wheelchair accessible vehicles for less than half the requests they received in 2019. This data is a bleak reminder of the discrimination disabled people face when trying to access these services.

Moreover, my personal experiences echo these findings. Since being matched with Canine Companions® Pico in 2014, I've faced numerous instances of discrimination, even when I’m not using my wheelchair. From drivers refusing to pick us up to being charged exorbitant cleaning fees for Pico's incidental shedding or worse, manufactured claims of bodily misbehavior, the discrimination is pervasive and systemic.

As a wheelchair user, I've often found myself stranded, unable to secure a ride due to the lack of Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAVs). In one instance, I waited for over an hour to successfully hail a WAV. This is not the on-demand service that these platforms promise.

All of this has effectively led me to leaving all my medical equipment at home simply to secure a ride on par with my non-disabled peers. This is not a choice any disabled person should have to make.

These experiences are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern of discrimination. Despite having policies that publicly align with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), both platforms routinely refuse passengers with service animals and fail to provide adequate services for wheelchair users.

As we move forward, we must continue to hold these companies accountable. We must push for more transparency, better services, and true on-demand rides for those in a wheelchair. It's time for Uber and Lyft to live up to their promise of providing accessible and convenient transportation for all.

Data shows about half of calls for wheelchair rideshares go unanswered, stranding disabled users

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Plane

A UK-based consortium has created a cabin concept that allows wheelchair users to use their own chair when flying on airlines.

A UK-based consortium has created a cabin concept that allows wheelchair users to use their own chair when flying on airlines

Greetings, fellow readers! I'm your friendly neighborhood wheelchair user, navigating the world with everyone’s favorite 70-pound Lab Retriever, Canine Companions® Pico. Over the near decade that we’ve been matched, we have a knack for finding ourselves in the most absurd situations.

Let's talk about flying. Not the Superman kind, but the "strapped into a metal tube hurtling through the sky" kind. It's a bit like a roller coaster, except the ride lasts for hours and there's no overpriced keepsake photo afterward proving you survived.

Now, imagine doing this while also wondering if your legs (aka my wheelchair) will still work when you land. It's like playing a game of "Wheelchair Roulette". The stakes? A cool $20,000. That's right, folks. My wheelchair costs more than a used car, and I'm entrusting it to the same people who routinely lose luggage on direct flights. In 2022 alone, 11,389 wheelchairs were mishandled by US airlines, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation February 2023 Air Travel Consumer Report.

But let's not forget my trusty sidekick, Pico. He's the Batman to my Robin, the peanut butter to my jelly, the...well, you get the idea. He's my rock, especially when turbulence hits and I'm clutching the armrests like I'm trying to strangle them. This is where the spasticity from CP can be extra fun.

Now, here's the good news. Delta Air Lines and Air 4 All are stepping up their game. They're developing a seat that allows us wheelchair users to stay in our chairs during the flight. Debuting on June 6 at the Aircraft Interiors Expo, this prototype has been a longtime coming. As PriestmanGoode director Daniel MacInnes told Insider, "Offering equal access to comfort, safety, and dignity for all passengers has always been our objective for Air 4 All."

This is a game-changer, folks. No more playing "Wheelchair Roulette". No more being transferred from chair to chair like a game of musical chairs. Just me, my wheelchair, and my trusty canine sidekick, cruising at 35,000 feet.

So, here's to Delta, Air 4 All, and all the wheelchair users who dream of flying comfortably. Keep flying high, my friends. And remember, the sky's the limit...unless you're in an airplane. Then it's more like 35,000 feet.

Share your thoughts, experiences, or your favorite airplane food (if such a thing exists) in the comments below. Let's get the conversation rolling!

Navigating the Concert Jungle: The Untold Struggles of Disabled Music Lovers

Taylor Swift performs during The Eras Tour at Gillette Stadium on May 20, 2023 in Foxborough, Massachusetts.

As a wheelchair user and partner to Canine Companions® Pico, I cherish the excitement of live concerts. However, my experiences are frequently marred by an under-the-radar struggle: securing accessible seating. This problem, largely overlooked by mainstream media, affects numerous individuals in the disability community. While Ticketmaster frequently garners attention for mishandled public on-sales or excessive fees, leading to an unusual apology in January, the hardships faced by disabled concert-goers rarely draw attention. This reality became glaring during the recent Taylor Swift Eras Tour.

The Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that approximately 1% of a venue's seating should be disability-accessible. Yet, ticket brokers often abuse this policy, disadvantaging those of us with a genuine need for these seats. During the Eras Tour, disabled fans found themselves competing for a meager 0.005% of seats. As disability rights advocate Amy Webb accurately predicted to Cosmopolitan before the public on-sale, "For the disability community, it's going to be nearly impossible."

When rain fell at Gillette Stadium Saturday, Swift decided to persist with the show. While this might have augmented the spectacle for some, it jeopardized the safety and well-being of disabled fans. Our electronic medical equipment, much like Swift's piano, isn't designed to endure a downpour. Disabled fans found themselves in a no-win situation.

The struggle for accessible seating isn't simply about securing a place at a concert. It's about our right to partake in public life and enjoy the same experiences as everyone else. It's about acknowledging that accessibility is a right, not a privilege.

The ADA exists to ensure that we can access venues and live our lives as the varied individuals with diverse interests we are. However, the reality often deviates from this ideal. Laws designed to protect us from unnecessary disclosure of our disability status paradoxically open the door for abuse. It's not uncommon to see disabled seating suddenly appear on third-party sites like Vivid Seats and StubHub at inflated prices following a public on-sale. With little recourse, the only deterrent to such behavior is a guilty conscience, as these folks knowingly exploit fans who often live on fixed or limited incomes. Profit margins often overshadow these considerations. The lack of enforcement and systemic abuse of this honor-system policy by ticket brokers suggest that we have a long road ahead.

Artists, venues, and ticketing platforms must do more to ensure that everyone, regardless of physical abilities, can enjoy live music. The industry must transition toward inclusivity and accessibility for all.

As Webb fittingly said, "When systems fail us, it's the community that steps up."

#Accessibility #LiveMusicForAll #TaylorSwiftErasTour #ConcertAccessibility #DisabilityRights