Redefining Leadership: The Urgent Need for Disability Representation in the Boardroom

A silhouette of three people sitting in a boardroom.

We're almost halfway through Disability Pride Month. While companies proudly proclaim to be dedicated to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility efforts, it's time to address an elephant in the room - the glaring absence of disability representation in the boardroom. Despite strides in workplace disability inclusion, one area remains stubbornly resistant to change - the highest echelons of corporate leadership.

According to Disability:IN's latest Disability Equality Index, only 7% of the 485 surveyed companies including Nike, Meta, Hilton, and Amazon reported having a director on their board who openly identifies as disabled. This same percentage represents the number of companies that even mention disability in corporate governance documentation concerning the nomination of new board directors.


This lack of representation is not just disappointing, it's detrimental. The boardroom is where strategic decisions are made, where the culture of an organization is shaped. Without representation at this level, how can we expect to foster an environment of true inclusivity?

I understand the stigma around disability and perceived ability to succeed in the workplace. But let me be clear - disability does not equate to inability. We, as disabled individuals, have unique perspectives and abilities that can greatly contribute to the success of any company.

Ted Kennedy, Jr., co-chair of the Disability Equality Index, said it best: “Boards govern more effectively when members bring diverse abilities and perspectives to the table, but disability continues to lag behind gender and ethnicity in board diversity considerations."

It's time for change. It's time for companies to seek out, appoint, and report on board-level disability representation. Not just to tick a box, but to truly embrace the value that diversity brings.

This Disability Pride Month, let's not just celebrate disability. Let's advocate for disability representation where it matters most - in the boardroom.

The ADA Under Siege? What the Supreme Court’s Latest Ruling Means for Disability Rights

A pull quote from Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, “it would be deeply unfortunate if the Equal Protection Clause actually demanded this perverse, ahistorical, and counterproductive outcome.”

The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn race-conscious admissions in colleges has left me, as a disability advocate, deeply concerned. The ruling, which challenges affirmative action, makes me wonder: What does this mean for other minority groups, especially the disabled community?

With this ruling, the Supreme Court continues its historic march backward on civil rights; seemingly hellbent on taking them all back piece by piece.

Will Hild of Consumers'​ Research told The Washington Post the ruling “will put the wind in the sails of groups like ours, who want to get the woke, racially based hiring and promotion schemes out of corporate America.” This statement raises alarm bells. If the court is willing to challenge affirmative action, is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) next?

Furthermore, Hild mentions that legal precedents allowing race-conscious admissions have been a “fig leaf” for private sector diversity initiatives. With this ruling, he predicts a “free-for-all on pushing back against that.” This suggests that the ruling could embolden challenges to diversity initiatives across the board, including those aimed at disability inclusion.

In a scorching dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor stated that “the devastating impact of this decision cannot be overstated.” She added that the decision “cements a superficial rule of colorblindness as a constitutional principle in an endemically segregated society where race has always mattered and continues to matter.”

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, wrote in her dissent that “it would be deeply unfortunate if the Equal Protection Clause actually demanded this perverse, ahistorical, and counterproductive outcome.”

The ADA has been a cornerstone for disability rights, ensuring equal opportunities for people like me. I am one of the 61 million disabled adults in the United States. As a wheelchair user and service dog handler to Canine Companions® Pico, the ADA has been instrumental in my life. But this ruling might embolden groups to challenge not just racial diversity but diversity as a whole.

We must remain vigilant and proactive. The progress we’ve made in disability rights is monumental, but it’s also fragile. We must ensure that this ruling does not become a precedent for eroding the protections that the ADA provides.

As we enter Disability Pride Month, as we celebrate Independence Day, we must not become complacent. I urge you all to stay informed, engage in discussions, and stand up for the rights of all minority groups. Our diversity is our strength. Let’s protect it.

#DisabilityRights #SupremeCourt #ADA #ProtectDiversity #AffirmativeAction #SCOTUS #CivilRights #StayInformed #EngageInChange #DEI #DEIA #DisabilityPride

The Culture Shift: A Not-So-Secret Mission for Senior Leadership (and a Nudge for Disability Pride Month)

Senior Leadership Executives meet in an office setting.

We’re approaching Disability Pride Month, and I’ve got a mission for all the bigwigs out there. You know who you are - the ones with the corner offices and fancy titles. Now, don’t get all jittery; this mission doesn’t involve capes or secret handshakes (though that would be cool). It’s about leading the charge for disability inclusion. And no, I don’t mean sending out a company-wide email with confetti emojis. 🎉

Let’s get real. A survey by the Business Disability Forum showed that disabled employees are climbing mountains just to get workplace accommodations. Diane Lightfoot, the CEO, said something that made my ears perk up: “Accessibility and inclusion need to be embedded in all aspects of the organization and its culture.” Embedded, like chocolate chips in a cookie, but way more important.

So, senior leaders, here’s your not-so-secret mission:

1. Set Clear Inclusion Goals: I’m talking laser-focused. Not just for Disability Pride Month, but all year round. Because, guess what? Disabilities don’t take vacations.

2. Allocate Resources: Throw in the budget, the manpower, the coffee machines - whatever it takes! Make sure disability inclusion isn’t just a poster on the wall.

3. Lead by Example: No, you don’t need to wear a superhero cape (but again, cool). Just promote an inclusive culture. Attend disability awareness programs, maybe learn a secret handshake or two. When your employees ask for accommodations find a way to say 'Yes' instead of 'Prove it!'

4. Encourage Employee Engagement: Create platforms for employees to share experiences. And listen! You might learn something.

5. Monitor Progress: Keep an eye on how things are going. If it’s not working, change it. If it is, don’t fix what ain’t broke. Listen to disabled employees. Our experiences are valuable. We know what we need. If we're coming to you with a problem, we've been thinking through solutions ahead of time. Trust us.

6. Communicate the Value of Inclusion: Tell everyone how awesome it is to have a diverse workforce. And mean it. Did I mention listening to disabled employees? Our voices should be front and center, but true allyship involves non-disabled employees amplifying our message.

7. Partner with External Organizations: Phone a friend, call an expert, send a carrier pigeon. Get insights from disability advocacy groups.

8. Celebrate and Educate: Use Disability Pride Month as a launchpad. Celebrate achievements, educate the masses, and keep the momentum going.

Remember, Disability Pride Month is more than a calendar event; it’s a call to action. So, senior leaders, grab your metaphorical capes and let’s make every month Disability Pride Month through actions that speak louder than words (or emojis).

Share your thoughts, ideas, and secret handshakes for disability inclusion in the comments below.