Disability Politics

Pico's Farewell Tour: From Counter-Surfing to Corporate Change

Ryan and Pico pose for the camera. Pico’s paws rest on Ryan’s lap.

Dear Pico:

As we kick off 2024 and you officially hang up your service dog vest and trade it in for a well-deserved life of leisure, sprawled out on your deluxe Big Barker dog bed (a far cry from our early training days), I can't help but reminisce about our adventures - filled with advocacy, more than a few antics, and remarkable achievements.

Let's rewind to our first public outing, shall we? Ah, Potbelly Sandwich Works. The scene of the 'Great Sandwich Heist'. You, the dapper dog, thought it'd be hilarious to leap at the counter as if it had whispered sweet nothings to you. Me? I'm trying to play it cool, thinking, "Is this a test? Did Canine Companions® teach him this?" You were testing my handling skills, and I was trying not to crack up.

Then came our crusade for change. Your charm and intelligence were pivotal in spearheading policy changes with giants like Uber, Lyft, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). You weren’t just a cute face; you were a force to be reckoned with and always camera ready for maximum impact. Your presence alone was enough to turn boardroom discussions into action plans for more inclusive and accessible spaces.

And let's not forget our victories with Starbucks and Petco. Your tail-wagging enthusiasm and our relentless advocacy turned everyday into an adventure. We made those spaces not just accessible, but welcoming for people like us and the 42 million disabled people nationwide.

Through it all, you've been my biggest support against chronic pain and my secret weapon in advocating for a world that sees wheels and paws not as limitations, but as badges of honor. You've wagged, I've wheeled, and together, we've been unstoppable.

As you embark on this new chapter of couch surfing and treat tasting, remember, retirement doesn't mean you're out of the game. It just means you're playing in a new, comfier league. And as for me, I'll keep the advocacy torch burning, inspired by your legacy – a legacy that includes an impressive record of sandwiches stolen and right from under my nose.

Here's to you, Pico. For the laughter, the achievements, and the unwavering companionship. You're more than a service dog; you're a trailblazer, a friend, and the best pup I could have asked for. Enjoy every moment of your retirement – you've earned it, buddy.

Pico, in your retirement, remember to live by your own advice: if you can't eat it or play with it, just take a nap on it.

With love, laughter, and gratitude

Beyond the 1%: Amplifying Disabled Voices in Hollywood and Halls of Power

From left: Zayre Ferrer, Monica Cecilia Lucas and Gisselle Legere.

In the vibrant tapestry of our society, the disabled community weaves a narrative often left unexplored, yet profoundly impactful. As we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month, let’s delve into the realms of representation, adaptability, and the stark disparities in political representation for disabled individuals.

“Roughly 20% of Americans live with a disability, yet less than 1% of Hollywood writers are disabled,” a stark revelation from the Inevitable Foundation. The recent Writers Guild of America West deal, promises to address specific issues impacting disabled writers in Hollywood most. Gisselle Legere, a Cuban American writer, heralded the WGA’s victory in setting a minimum number of writers who must be staffed on shows as the “biggest win,” illuminating a path toward more inclusive representation in the writers' rooms.

In the political arena, the narrative unfolds similarly, yet with its unique challenges. ChrisTiana ObeySumner MPA, MNPL, a multi-disabled Seattle City Council candidate, embodies the resilience and determination that disabled candidates bring to the political table. Yet, systemic barriers and ableist backlash often stymie their journey. A mere one in 10 elected officials have disabilities, according to a 2018 study from Rutgers University, underscoring a glaring disparity in representation that demands our attention and action.

Sarah Blahovec, co-founder of Disability Victory, astutely observes, “Disabled people are adaptable. We’re creative. We’re problem-solvers. And we’re resilient because every day we navigate a society that is not built for our needs.” These are not just qualities; they are a testament to the untapped potential that disabled individuals bring to leadership roles in every sphere of our society.

As we navigate through NDEAM, let’s champion for more than just hiring or electing disabled individuals. Let’s advocate for providing an upward path toward mobility in their jobs, giving them a chance to flourish, and arming them with the tools they need to be successful. Let’s ensure that the diverse pool of disability is represented in all decision-making rooms, from the board room, to the writers room, to elections. We need to be in the room where it happens.

In the spirit of fostering a society where every thread is valued, let’s weave a narrative where disability is not seen through a lens of limitation, but a spectrum of possibilities and diverse perspectives. Let’s be the catalysts for a future where equity is not just a metric but a lived reality.

What the WGA deal with Hollywood studios means to writers with disabilities

Why Relaxed Dress Codes Can Be a Game-Changer for People with Disabilities

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) arrives for a vote at the U.S. Capitol May 1, 2023.

In light of the recent changes to the Senate's dress code, as detailed by Axios and Rolling Stone, it's essential to view this shift as more than just a fashion statement. This change, announced by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and reportedly inspired by Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, is a reflection of a reasonable accommodation for someone with a disability.

Sen. Fetterman, who has been candid about his struggles with depression, is protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Changes to dress codes are considered a reasonable accommodation, and this should be seen as a progressive step for the disability community. Societal standards, often set by non-disabled neurotypical individuals, can be both physically and mentally taxing for those with disabilities. As someone with cerebral palsy and fine motor challenges, I can attest to the significant energy and mental effort required to don formal attire. My clothing choices are often a reflection of my energy levels, not my work ethic or capability.

Senator Susan Collins humorously threatened to wear a bikini to work in response to the relaxed dress code. Meanwhile, Senator Schumer officially altered the rules around appropriate attire, instructing the Sergeant at Arms to cease enforcing guidelines requiring business attire on the floor. This change allows lawmakers like Pennsylvania’s John Fetterman to embrace casual clothing without violating protocol. Fetterman's attire has been a part of his image throughout his political career. After taking a medical hiatus to seek treatment for clinical depression, he's chosen comfort over costume. This decision, though not directly referencing Fetterman, has irked some Republicans, leading to criticism of him.

In the disability community, we often use "spoons" as a metaphor to describe our energy consumption. It can take someone with a disability significantly more energy to accomplish the same tasks as our non-disabled counterparts. A strict dress code can be challenging for people with disabilities to maintain consistently. My personal experience of ditching formal wear for the office has resulted in increased energy that I can redirect toward my actual work. Being comfortable allows me to be more relaxed and focused. I applaud Senator Schumer for his recent decision and hope that those opposing this change can learn empathy.

Republicans Are Melting Down Over the Relaxed Senate Dress Code